Friday, January 8, 2016

Sound of Gravel

Life has a funny way of working sometimes. Back in 2015, I ended up in an online group after not making it on the launch team for Jen Hatmaker's book For the Love.  Through that group, I meet the amazing and lovely Anna (pronounced like the Frozen character, not like me). Anna has amazing ninja-like book launching skills, and because of her, I was able to be on the launch team for a book that came out this week called The Sound of Gravel. (side story for another day: Anna is Ruth's cousin. It really is a whole crazy story)
Anna and Anna 

I love reading memoirs. It is fascinating to me to get a peek into someone else's life. Understanding where others have come from is so valuable in my eyes. Reading The Sound of Gravel gave me a new perspective on childhood, responsibility, family, trust and hope.

Ruth's story of her childhood is told with a quiet strength that was so powerful. Really, I can't stop talking about this book. Ask any of my other book reading friends.

I read the book with a bit of dread.  Ruth doesn't have a happy-go-lucky childhood.  I read the entire book (in about a day) fearing the ending was going to devastate me. Without giving anything away, I will say the ending was not what I was expecting.

I was struck by the theme of trust in Ruth's book. She learned very early in life that she could trust no one completely. Reading as she struggled with the idea of trust was eye opening to me. My heart broke for her. Feeling I can trust and be trusted is so important to me and something I think I take for granted.

Ruth never gave up hope that something better would happen. At a very young age, she learned the value of holding on to hope. Even in a life of deep sadness, she found the glimmer of hope to hold on to. I respect her so much for that ability.

Ruth's book can be found pretty much anywhere.  Check out for more information on where to purchase the book.  Check your library as well. I know mine has several copies.  Find it, read it, and let me know what your thoughts are!

I'm heading to Book Passage in Corte Madera on Wednesday, January 13th to meet Ruth and hear her speak. If any local friends are interested in joining me, let me know!

*Note: I was given an Advance Reading Copy in exchange for an honest review.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anna!

    Anna here! I love your how tenderly you have held my cousin's book in your hands and heart. Doing this for Ruth while I wait for my turn has brought a measure of healing for my heart.

    P.S. I love this picture of the two of us. Good times! 🙌🏽
